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Have you ever filled out an online application?

Account Information

Password must be at least 8 characters long, contain at least one alphabetic character, and at least one numeric or special character.

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Personal Information

SSN is required by law for payroll.

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Phone Number:

Eligibility Questions


  • I am a New York City resident.
  • I am at least 18 years of age.
  • I speak and read the English language and write it legibly.
  • I am aware that I am agreeing to work both the Primary and General Elections.
  • I am not a candidate, or the spouse, parent, or child of a candidate, for any public office or party position to be contested at an upcoming election in the district in which I am applying for service.
  • I agree to take and subscribe to the oath of office as an Election Inspector, if I am appointed and notified thereof.
  • I authorize the Board of Elections in the City of New York to contact me regarding poll worker matters using the telephone and email contact information provided on this application.
  • I agree to receive SMS messages from The Board of Elections in the City of New York regarding poll worker matters. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies.

Which languages do you speak and read fluently?

Select the Position(s) for which you wish to apply. At least one selection is required

Generally responsible for the operations in the ED, including opening the polls, serving voters and closing the polls including accuracy of canvass. Inspectors must stay for completion of canvas and tally. Ensures that Affidavit Ballot Envelopes are completed correctly and signs each one. Collects a completed voter card from each voter. Responsible for the set-up & closing of the Ballot Marking Device and Scanner. Assists the voter as needed on this equipment.

Uses the Street Finder and Poll Site List to direct voters to their correct ED/AD and poll site - one or more at sites with 4 or more EDs. Is seated at a table at or near the main entrance to the poll site. Must be available throughout the day.

Ensures that the alternate entrance is accessible throughout the day. Monitors the entrance to prevent unauthorized individuals from entering. Checks to see that a ramp with handrails and/or platform are in place if required. Assists but does not provide physical help to disabled voters entering the site. Checks the access posters and directional arrows "Vote Here/Vota Aqui" signs are hung properly.

The Spanish Interpreter assists non-English, Spanish-speaking voters by translating voting information given by the Inspector and answers voter questions. The Interpreter may also assist non-English and limited-English speaking voters in voting booths.

The Chinese Interpreter assists non-English, Chinese-speaking voters by translating voting information given by the Inspector and answers voter questions. The Interpreter may also assist non-English and limited-English speaking voters in voting booths.

The Korean Interpreter assists non-English, Korean-speaking voters by translating voting information given by the Inspector and answers voter questions. The Interpreter may also assist non-English and limited-English speaking voters in voting booths.

The Bengali Interpreter assists non-English, Asian Indian-speaking voters by translating voting information given by the Inspector and answers voter questions. The Interpreter may also assist non-English and limited-English speaking voters in voting booth

The Hindi Interpreter assists non-English, Asian Indian-speaking voters by translating voting information given by the Inspector and answers voter questions. The Interpreter may also assist non-English and limited-English speaking voters in voting booths.

Are there any special accommodations you would like us to know about (e.g. need an interpreter or wheelchair access)?

All poll workers are required to attend a mandatory training class. There are no exceptions.

Review & Submit


Election Law Section 3-400(6)

No person shall be certified or act as an election inspector or poll clerk who is not a registered voter and a resident of the county in which he or she serves, or within the city of New York, of such city, who holds any elective public office, or who is a candidate for any public office to be voted for by the voters of the district in which he or she is to serve, or the spouse, parent, or child of such a candidate, or who is not able to speak and read the English language and write it legibly.

  • Interpreters and Accessibility Clerks earn a salary of $250 for working an Election Day, $25 for attending class and passing the exam.
  • Inspectors, Poll Clerks and Information Clerks earn a salary of $250 for working an Election Day, $100 for attending a training class and passing the exam.
  • Any worker who does not attend training class and pass the exam will not be assigned to work an Election Day.
  • Any worker who does not work an Election Day will not receive payment for attending class.
  • Any worker who does not work at the site to which they are assigned will not be paid.
  • Applicants must be willing to travel within the borough.

NOTE: Any poll worker removed from office for cause shall forfeit the compensation earned up to the time of such removal.


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Board of Elections in the City of New York

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